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  • 4630 Campus Dr. #100, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Professional Rug Cleaning in Orange County

When it comes to cleaning rugs, the first step is to vacuum all the dry soil and debris. Then we pre-condition the rugs and initiate the steam cleaning process to eliminate dirt and treat any stains that might be present.

Here at Orange County Carpet Cleaners, we are equipped with a high-powered pressurized heating system to steam clean and a powerful vacuum to extract the water. This equipment ensures the best results. We also use non-toxic solutions and enzymes to treat issues such as pet urine, feces, food, etc.

If the rug is heavily soiled or has a strong odor, we recommend it is brought to our facility. This is so we can spend more time on it for better results, and we offer pick-up and delivery of rugs as well. Once the rug is completely clean, we immediately begin the drying process where it is put onto our drying rack with over a dozen fans air-drying it. Also, we use a dehumidifier to make the rug dry overnight. Once the rug is completely dry, we inspect it once more to ensure the highest quality of service. This way, if we need to reclean the rug, we can do so without taking too much time. We usually take 3-5 days to complete cleaning a rug and we will contact you to have your rug picked up or delivered.

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Why choose Orange County Carpet Cleaning

Saves You Time
We will work with you to provide on-site service or schedule pick-ups when possible.
Safety First
By using approved solutions and techniques our priority is always the safety of our clients and technicians.
Easy To Get Help
Scheduling an appointment is literally one call away.
Seamless Communication
We're only a call or email away, simply call us with any type of question.
Only The Best Quality
We utilize state of the art equipment and cleaning solutions to ensure best result possible.
Easy Payment
We provide both cash free payments as well as cash payments to make it convenient

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