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  • Call Us Today +1 714 707 6562
  • 4630 Campus Dr. #100, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Professional Mattress Cleaning in Orange County

People spend more time on their mattresses than any other piece of furniture in their daily life, but most don't consider sanitizing them.

And most of the time when they do want a cleaning, it's usually because of an accident from children or pets, or a spill. While our steam cleaning process can sanitize them, it's recommended to have your mattress cleaned annually anyways. This is to eliminate dust mites, which all mattresses collect over time and can cause allergy and asthma triggers.

Resetting your mattress from the billions of dust mites it likely has can significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

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Why choose Orange County Carpet Cleaning

Saves You Time
We will work with you to provide on-site service or schedule pick-ups when possible.
Safety First
By using approved solutions and techniques our priority is always the safety of our clients and technicians.
Easy To Get Help
Scheduling an appointment is literally one call away.
Seamless Communication
We're only a call or email away, simply call us with any type of question.
Only The Best Quality
We utilize state of the art equipment and cleaning solutions to ensure best result possible.
Easy Payment
We provide both cash free payments as well as cash payments to make it convenient

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